Friday, November 18, 2022

How Karate Classes Improve Your Overall Health

 You may be thinking, "I am already a very healthy person, do I really need to be concerned about finding activities that promote my health and well-being?" The answer is Yes! Even if you already feel that you live a healthy lifestyle, you need to maintain it. If you are not actively working to maintain or build your good health then it will start to deteriorate automatically. Now, when I am talking about health and well-being I use it in the sense that you generally feel good, not often sick, weak or tired. You have enough energy to get through an average day's activities without feeling physically, mentally, or emotionally run-down. You do not often feel stressed. When I am talking about "health" I simply mean it in the terms that you generally feel good on a physical, mental, and emotional level. If you don't feel this way, or even if you do and you want to maintain your general well-being, then taking karate classes cranbourne is a good choice for you. Why? Because karate programs help both children and adults maintain a standard of overall health through providing physical fitness, stress reduction, and relaxation.
Physical Fitness
It should not come as a surprise that martial arts provides great physical fitness results. Virtually everyone recognizes karate as a sport, and as such they also recognize the qualities about it that make it a great source of exercise. In case you are not sure how taking martial arts classes can help you get in shape and stay in shape though, here are a couple basic areas that it helps with:
1. On average, in one hour of martial arts class (regardless of whether it is karate, kung fu, tae kwon do, kempo karate, etc.) you will burn between 800 and 1,000 calories! Martial arts is a cardio intense sport. You are constantly moving.
2. The techniques you learn in karate teach you coordination and balance while also improving your flexibility. On an awesome side-note, if you stretch daily and maintain your flexibility you are far less likely to sustain an injury in your day-to-day life.
3. Karate is a non-linear form of exercise (meaning your muscles have to work in more than just one direction of movement). The turning and rotating movements of martial arts help you to build muscle without using equipment that could slowly deteriorate your muscles, like heavy weights.
Stress Reduction
Many people pick up negative habits when they are stressed, like overeating or undereating, sleeping too much or too little, secluding themselves, spending hours in front of the television or computer, or even smoking or drinking. Obviously, have too much stress in your life is not a good thing. Karate is one way to begin reducing stress levels in a healthy, positive way. Here are some ways that karate classes help reduce and eliminate stress:
1. Karate classes provide you with an escape from day-to-day life. For many people, situations at home or work are what is causing them stress. By enrolling in a karate class you will have an outside activity to look forward to every week.
2. Martial arts provides a healthy athletic outlet for stress. If you are one of those people that tends to lash out when you are feeling stressed, this will provide you with a healthy way to get negative feelings out of your system. You will be able to punch and kick out all of your stress in karate classes instead of at home.
3. Every time you pass another milestone in your karate training (whether it's earning a new karate belt or learning a new technique) you will build your self confidence. People who are confident in themselves don't get as stressed about the smaller things that happen in their every-day lives.
4. You will learn stress reduction techniques. Many martial arts schools train their students in more than just how to kick and punch. Look for a school that also teaches life skill lessons, like stress reduction, time management, leadership skills, etc.
5. Finally, many people are stressed because they are overweight, out of shape, or facing other challenges with their physical fitness. Karate classes will help you overcome these challenges as it builds your physical fitness and make your stress disappear!
You might be thinking, "What? Relaxation? How does karate help you relax?" The truth is martial arts can be very relaxing, although not in the same way as laying back on the couch. It's not so much physical relaxation as it is mental and emotional relaxation. According to Google, relaxation is defined as "the state of being free from tension and anxiety." Karate gives you a fun activity to do that you don't have to stress about. Projects at work, in the community, and at home, although often very beneficial to you and your family, can also bring along some added tension and anxiety. Are you going to get everything done in time? Are you going to get it done correctly? When you take a karate class, your mind won't be able to focus on your other worries at the same time. Martial arts requires focus and concentration on the task at hand. It is almost impossible to think about a deadline coming up at work when you are focusing on performing a kick properly because you will be thinking about your foot position, the way that your kicking leg is moving, the way that your non-kicking leg is supporting you, the way you should be turning your body, where your hands should be, and making sure that your back is straight. As you practice your martial arts techniques you will find that it serves as a great way to clear your mind of anything that is causing you to be worried or anxious.

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